January 6 - Merry Christmas!

January 6 - Merry Christmas!

inJanuary 06, 2022

Academician Yury Bugai International Scientific and Technical University wishes you a Merry Christmas. We wish you good health and true happiness.

Traditionally, Christmas is celebrated in the family circle, tasting sweet kutya. Therefore, on this day, let your whole family gather at one table with loud conversations and interesting stories on repeat. Let this day become a possible reason for solving family quarrels or pressing issues. And the spirit of Christmas will eventually help to "smooth out these corners" and live in harmony and love.

We wish you a nice and fun Christmas. And it doesn't matter how exactly your family is used to doing it - traditionally, according to certain fixed canons or "the way the plans are made". Are you cleaning the whole house before Christmas Eve or are you waiting for an invitation to a guest; are you preparing a bunch of Christmas dishes or are you already stopping at the corner and the uzvar; are you celebrating Christmas with your relatives or are you all walking around the city together in the evening. The main thing is to spend it with those you value and love.

Merry Christmas!