Happy Constitution Day, Ukraine!

Happy Constitution Day, Ukraine!

inJun 28, 2022

Today - June 28 - all Ukrainians celebrate Constitution Day. It was on June 28, 1996 that independent and independent Ukraine formed and adopted all the provisions of the future basic law, which will continue to determine our path as a democratic and independent country. The Constitution is an extremely important element of our legislation, which regulates and guarantees the rights, freedoms and duties of all citizens without exception, the violation of the provisions of which are inadmissible subjects of constitutional law.

The path of constitutional and legal relations, which Ukraine faithfully and courageously paves through the years of its independence, was formed precisely thanks to the Constitution, which protects the rights of every Ukrainian, which is the state guarantor of freedom of thought and action. Therefore, we call on all Ukrainians to celebrate the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine in a dignified manner by re-reading several main provisions of the document, which guarantees us protected freedom and which our "enemy neighbor" will never have.