Happy Education Worker's Day!

Happy Education Worker's Day!

inOct 03, 2021

Every year on the first Sunday of October, therefore October 3, Ukraine celebrates the day of the education worker. Therefore, the staff of the International Scientific and Technical University named after academician Yuriy Bugai congratulates scientific and pedagogical workers on a professional holiday.

We wish you good health and moral stability, well-being and inspiration, strength and restraint. It is you who teach and raise a new generation that will build Ukraine in the future. So now it is necessary to lay the "first foundation".

They trust you

They are proud of you

You are valued.

Therefore, we hope that work in the pedagogical field will continue to bring happiness and a sense of fulfilling an important mission, and emotional or professional burnout will never affect you.

Thank you for your fruitful work, diligence and responsible attitude.

Sincerely - from the ISTU team!