Project protection with Computer Vision

Project protection with Computer Vision

inMar 13, 2023

This year, the educational process continues in a state of war, when the sirens of air raids spread across Ukraine almost every day. However, Ukrainian society continues to do its daily business: we work, study, develop and do everything to support all areas of the country's life from the inside.

That is why we are proud to announce that on March 6, 2023, the protection of the developed projects took place. Students of the 3rd year of the Computer Science and Software Engineering educational programs presented their jointly developed project on computer vision as part of the practice held during the month of February.

The practice was conducted by Oleksandr Makoveychuk, professor of the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Doctor of Technological Sciences, head of the R&D department of Abto Software.

Since the beginning of February, ISTU students have been studying the basics of working with the Google Colab cloud service and the Python programming language, testing their capabilities and making the first developments that have turned into a fully functional coin recognition project. During the practice, the following topics were studied:


  •  Computer Vision - in particular, basic concepts in Computer Vision. Basic operations with images; Image convolution, 2D image filtering; Computer Vision. Features2D + Homography to find a known object and Template matching.
  •  Machine Learning – attention was focused on such aspects as the basics of working with convolutional neural networks. During this time, the students had time to familiarize themselves with examples of image classification, style transferring, object detection, and sound classification.

All topics were supported by relevant practical moments where everyone could show their curiosity and improve their skills.

The project was evaluated by Serhii Ivanov, co-founder, operational and technical director of Abto Software, Stanislav Kukhtyk, vice-rector for international relations and development, and Oleksandr Golubenko, head of the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering.

Finally, together with Mr. Oleksandr, the student body organized an online tour to the office of Abto Software.

ISTU is proud of students who continue to study and acquire a profession despite all life's difficulties and trials. The main thing is that each of us has a goal - the complete victory of Ukraine. That is why we know what we are working and studying for today.

Let's learn - for the sake of the future!

We work - for the sake of victory!