Join us: ISTU on Instagram

inFebruary 04, 2018

Complete social openness is one of the basic principles on which a true European-style university is built in the 21st century. Therefore, in addition to providing high-quality educational services, the administrative team of ISTU also pays a lot of attention to operational information about what is happening within the walls of the university. We always try to keep students, applicants, teachers, staff and other interested persons informed about the latest developments related to ISTU. In addition, we are always open to dialogue and full constructive communication with everyone who seeks it.

That is why recently to the accounts of the university you are already familiar with Facebook and Twitter added another official representation of ISTU in social networks - our Instagram page. Here we will promptly and timely post the latest news, report on the progress of the admissions campaign, provide organizational messages that are relevant for students and teaching staff, share information about the achievements and successes of our students in studies, creativity and sports competitions, tell interesting facts about university life, post about events, announcements and other content that will surely interest you. If you are a regular user of this social network, then from now on you can conveniently and habitually follow the course of life at ISTU by reading our page in the optimal Insta format. New subscribers appear every day at the newly created, but already quite active account of the university. And we would love for you to become ISTU's next friend on Instagram. And we guarantee interesting, useful and operational content.

Join in! Our new address is