Forum "Eco-industrial parks" from GEIPP and UNIDO. International involvement and domestic practice

Forum "Eco-industrial parks" from GEIPP and UNIDO. International involvement and domestic practice

inDec 14, 2021

On December 14, Veronika Khudoley, Rector of the International Scientific and Technical University named after Academician Yuriy Bugai, attended the annual forum dedicated to eco-industrial parks. Together with the rector, the head of the Department of Management, Marketing and Public Administration, Rostyslav Tulchynsky, was also present at the event. 

The main goals of the forum consist in increasing the level of awareness of interested parties regarding the development of Ukrainian industrial parks; attracting business, domestic and foreign investors to the process of transforming Ukrainian industrial parks into eco-industrial parks (EIP) and announcing a prize for the transformation of industrial parks into eco-industrial analogues. Since this topic is on the list of scientific interests for ISTU, the forum should bring a significant theoretical and practical layer to the development of this field in general.

The organizers of the Forum of Eco-Industrial Parks are the GEIPP project and UNIDO, a special institution of the United Nations Organization for Industrial Development. The purpose of UNIDO is to promote industrial development and accelerated industrialization of developing countries by mobilizing national and international resources. Financial support for the forum was provided by Switzerland through the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Development (SECO).