ISTU celebrates the New Year 2023

ISTU celebrates the New Year 2023

inDec 30, 2022

ISTU celebrates New Year 2023 despite blackouts and rocket attacks. The light is almost there, the Christmas tree is up, and the university team is determined to replenish its strength to fight in the new year. And, according to tradition, at 12 o'clock with the ringing of the last seconds of this old year, together with the whole country, we will remember the common most cherished goal - the chosen victory.

Warm up your loved ones with your attention, call all your friends and acquaintances on New Year's Eve, enjoy the atmosphere of the New Year's miracle enough to courageously continue the daily life struggle in the new year 2023.

We believe in all our defenders. After all, thanks to you, Ukrainians are so charged with fighting and helping. It is thanks to you that we can gather in a family circle at a common table.

We not only dream, but work to achieve!

Already in the new year 2023!