Happy International Students' Day. You are a reference point for every university

Happy International Students' Day. You are a reference point for every university

inNov 17, 2022

Today is an important day for every student who continues or has just begun the path to discovery. International Students' Day is celebrated on November 17 every year.

Academician Yury Bugay International Scientific and Technical University congratulates every student on his "professional" holiday and wishes only more effort. We know how necessary it is in your arduous educational quest. Thanks to your efforts, ambitions, goals and innovative ideas, the country moves forward.

We hope that every student will find their professional niche in life, to which they can offer creative changes, hard work and sincere desire for improvement.

And although being a student is quite a difficult time to combine active study, long sleep, work and home studies, we believe that this time is the most memorable and will affect the rest of your life.

Happy day, dear students!

All the best from –

ISTU administration