Meeting of the National Cyber ​​Security Cluster

Meeting of the National Cyber ​​Security Cluster

inJun 02, 2021

On May 27, within the framework of cooperation between the National Cyber ​​Security Coordination Center of the National Security Council of Ukraine and the Civilian Research and Development Fund of the United States of America (CRDF Global), the fourth meeting of the National Cyber ​​Security Cluster was held, dedicated to the protection of critical infrastructure, its stability, as well as the problems that exist in this area, and ways of solving them 🧑‍💻


Opening the meeting of the Cluster, Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Serhiy Demedyuk emphasized that this project is a platform on which leading specialists in the field of cyber security "can directly exchange opinions, proposals, interesting ideas" 👇


From ISTU, Stanislav Kukhtyk, Vice-Rector for International Relations and Development, and Artem Moskalenko, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, took part in the discussion ✅


I. Tymoshenko, Head of the Critical Infrastructure Security Service of the NSDC Apparatus of Ukraine, presented the project of the concept of the development of the system of training specialists for the protection of critical infrastructure, including its cyber protection and cyber security, noting that the priority is to understand the needs of key stakeholders for the development of relevant training programs in Ukraine.


The purpose of the concept is to create a system of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in the protection of critical infrastructure, including educational activities, and informing the public to meet the country's needs for specialists, improve the level of awareness of all sections of the population and its readiness to face challenges in the field of security


By the way, CRDF Global is a partner of our university in the development of the discipline "Security of information systems" for ISTU students 💙