"Union is our strength!" We congratulate all Ukrainians on Unity Day!

"Union is our strength!" We congratulate all Ukrainians on Unity Day!

inFebruary 16, 2022

Today - February 16 - International Scientific and Technical University named after Academician Yuriy Bugai, like the whole of Ukraine in general, celebrates the Day of Unity for the first time. A solemn holiday that was approved on February 14 by the decree of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi for the purpose of uniting and supporting society in the face of threats and informational pressure.

So on this day, we wish you spiritual peace and balance, sincere faith in Ukraine and its defenders. Let healthy anxiety not ignite the flames of uncontrolled panic inside you, and critical thinking and the ability to analyze will help to identify and neutralize hidden ways and methods of hostile information attacks.

It was on this day that everyone raised national flags at the administrative buildings, and at 10 o'clock in the morning they performed the National Anthem of Ukraine. ISTU did not "stand aside" and gladly supported this patriotic action, so that university teachers and visitors could physically feel this unity (the recorded video can be viewed on our free access page - Facebook https://fb.watch/bcDs3xiE3L/).

Against the background of waving blue and yellow flags, we will believe in a wonderful future and do everything to achieve this goal!

Happy Unity Day!